The Best Way To Get You Pain Free And Doing The Things You Love - FAST

What if there was a way you could guarantee you'd receive the level of care you need to beat pain and injury and Feel Better, Move Better and Perform Better?

Introducing our UNLMTD membership

UNLMTD is suitable for you if:


You want the best treatment results

Whether you have back pain, tendon pain, niggles with running or are returning from surgeries such as an ACL reconstruction, our UNLMTD plan provides the best chance of reaching your goals by giving you more contact with our team including treatment how you need it, when you need it.


You have an upcoming goal or event

Don't take a chance when it comes to your health especially if you have an important event on the horizon, make sure you achieve your goals with comprehensive care that gets quicker results.


You want to be treated like an elite sports star

Get full access to the latest assessment technology to measure how you move and supervised training sessions with a qualified Physio or Osteo in our state of the art rehabilitation gym to make sure that you are comfortable, safe and doing your exercises properly to get results.

What is the UNLMTD Membership?

Do you want to have access to everything you need to help you get back 110%?

As Physiotherapists and Osteopaths who have delivered over 15,000 patient consultations we wanted to be able to help our patients in a unique way, as the traditional session to session model that therapists have primarily operated in isn't designed to get you the best outcomes. 

That's why we developed our UNLMTD membership. The best way to help you get on top of your pain or injury. This includes all the treatment, advice, equipment and access to our elite rehabilitation gym you need to get the health or injury rehabilitation results you need from just $120 per week week.

Session By Session Vs UNLMTD

Most clinics only offer session by session treatment services. GET MORE VALUE FOR MONEY WITH UNLMTD!


How to join our UNLMTD plan



Book a FREE phone consultation with one of the team.

Speak to one of our team by booking a FREE video consultation online. Our team will talk to you about your story and provide advice as to whether the UNLMTD membership may be suitable to help you achieve your goals.



Arrange an obligation FREE "UNLMTD Discovery Assessment"

Come into the clinic and receive an obligation free UNLMTD Discovery Assessment where one of our team will use the latest assessment technology to measure how you move and put a number on any limitations that are stopping you from progressing from pain or injury. You can then progress with a tailored management plan under our normal paid service options.



Start getting treated like an Elite Sports Star!

Join the Injury Rehab Centre's UNLMTD membership where our Physiotherapy and Osteopathy team will provide you all the services, resources and tools you need to get back to 110% and create the best you!


“Joining the UNLMTD membership gave me access to this fantastic cutting-edge facility and an awesome team”

— Ed Wittich