When performed by a qualified and government registered healthcare practitioner, physiotherapy and osteopathic management can be beneficial for many conditions. However, you must be informed that there are risks associated with any treatment. Please read the following carefully:

1. I will have the opportunity to discuss the proposed care with my practitioner, including the nature, extent and purpose of such treatment.

2. I understand that results are not guaranteed, but everything will be done to ensure you achieve your goals from treatment.

3. I understand, and will have the opportunity to discuss with my practitioner, the possible risks associated with my proposed care. These include, but are not limited to, bruising or redness in the areas being treated, muscle and joint soreness, and an aggravation of symptoms/appearance of new symptoms. There are additional potential risks associated with manipulation (commonly known as the “cracking” technique) which range from muscle and joint sprains/strains, nausea and dizziness, fractures, disc injuries, nerve injuries and strokes (or like episodes).

4. I understand that the reaction of heart, lung, and blood vessel system to exercise cannot always be predicted with accuracy. This also includes risk of musculoskeletal strains/sprain with the use of gym equipment for testing and rehabilitation purposes or abnormal changes that may include abnormalities of blood pressure or heart attacks. I therefore engage in using and exercise equipment at my own risk.

5. I do not expect my practitioner to be able to anticipate all potential risks and complications associated with the proposed care. I wish to rely on the practitioner to use their judgment during the course of treatment, which they believe is in my best interests based upon the facts known at the time. Care is taken by all practitioners to ensure that a successful treatment outcome is reached whilst minimizing exposure to the above risks.

6. I give permission for TIRC to liaise with my GP about treatment and management and use my de-identified data for research purposes and consent to sms/email communication.

7. I hereby acknowledge my consent to the performance of the proposed care by my practitioner, and/or any other therapist working in this clinic.

8. I have read the above, and will also have the opportunity to ask questions about its content.

9. I have read, understand and agree to TIRC's terms and conditions and privacy policy 

I intend this consent form to cover the entire course of treatment for my present condition, and for any other future condition(s) for which I seek treatment. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time.


The Injury Rehab Centre provides allocated appointment times with the therapist to ensure the provision of essential and high quality care at all times. Therefore, for non-attendance, cancellations or change of appointment day without notice of at least 24 business hours, you will incur a 50%, (of therapist’s full standard rate) cancellation fee. Any cancellations provided at least 24 business hours prior to your appointment time, will be at no charge.

If we receive advanced notice that you are unable to attend, other clients who may require an appointment with a therapist may be able to be seen in your time slot. Please be considerate of other people who may be requiring an appointment and are unable to get in with a therapist in a timely manner or at a time that suits them.

Referrals Appreciated - as we are a family owned and operated practice – the majority of our clients come via the kind referrals from our current clients – just like you – this reduces our need to waste money on expensive advertising and concentrate on what we do best – helping as many people as possible. We thank you in advance for your kind referrals and support.